Welcome to a brighter financial future! My name is Elisabeth Dawson, and I’m excited to guide you on your path to financial security. This first meeting isn’t just about paperwork; it’s about building a personalized plan that empowers you to achieve your dreams.

Preparing for Your Meeting:

Think of this like packing for an adventure! Here’s what to bring:

  • Financial Snapshot: Bank statements, pay stubs, savings, and debt details (don’t worry, it’s confidential!). This helps me understand your starting point and tailor a plan just for you.
  • Your Dreams: What do you want your money to do? Travel the world? Pay for college? Knowing your goals helps me get you there.
  • Open Mind and Questions: Don’t be nervous! The more we talk, the better I can understand and help you. Ask anything – there are no bad questions!

Let’s Understand Your Money

I’m your financial detective, piecing together your financial picture. We’ll look at income, expenses, assets, and debts. It’s like checking a map before a journey – it helps us navigate to your financial goals.

Essential Documents:

Consider these as tools for our project:

  • ID: Driver’s license, passport, etc.
  • Financial Statements: Bank statements, investment accounts, retirement accounts, tax return, and mortgage statement (if applicable).
  • Debt List: Student loans, car payments, etc., with amounts owed.

Don’t Stress If You Can’t Find Everything

Life happens! If you’re missing something, let me know. We can work together to figure it out. Remember, open communication is key.

Extra Documents:

These aren’t mandatory, but they’re like bonus ingredients:

  • Insurance policies
  • Estate planning documents
  • Financial goals list

Open Mind and Open Heart

This meeting is all about you and your future! Come with an open mind and willingness to chat about your goals and concerns. My goal as your financial planner is to create a safe space for questions, thoughts, and doubts. Think of it like building a house together – you bring your vision, I bring the expertise.

Wealth Management

Ready to Chart Your Course?

Imagine navigating San Diego’s financial landscape with confidence. By preparing for our meeting and engaging in the planning process, you’ll pave the way for a future where your dreams become realities.

View this as the Groundwork Phase for your Financial Well-being

Gathering documents allows us to understand your current position and tailor a strategy specifically for you. This collaborative approach goes beyond numbers; it delves into your unique aspirations, ensuring your plan reflects your individual vision.

Let’s Embark on this Journey Together!

Remember, it’s your journey, and your active participation is key. Come prepared with an open mind and a willingness to engage, and together, we can build a comprehensive plan that empowers you to achieve your financial goals.

Deepening Our Understanding and Partnership

Our first meeting is just the beginning! We’ll dive deeper into your financial world, exploring your values, priorities, and dreams. By understanding you, we can create a personalized plan that’s unique and built for your individual situation.

Beyond Numbers: Building a Lasting Relationship

We’ll work together based on trust and respect. Feel comfortable talking openly about anything money-related. Whether it’s worries, dreams, or questions, I’m here to listen and help. Think of it as a partnership where you’re empowered to make informed decisions every step of the way.

Navigating Life’s Financial Path Together:

Life throws curveballs, and your plan needs to be flexible! We’ll work together to find the best financial moves for you, even when things change. Think of it like planning a road trip – we’ll adapt your plan as your life evolves, making sure it stays on track with your goals and keeps you moving towards your financial dreams.

financial services

Empowering You Through Education

Understanding financial principles, investment strategies, and economic changes empowers you to make informed decisions. I’m committed to providing you with the knowledge and insights needed to navigate the financial landscape confidently.

Your Financial Legacy

It’s not just about the present; it’s about your future impact! We’ll explore options to ensure your family’s well-being, support causes you care about, and leave a lasting mark that reflects your values.

Starting Your Financial Journey

By preparing for our first meeting and embracing this journey, you’re taking a proactive step towards a future where your financial goals are not just dreams but achievable realities. I’m here to empower you to take charge of your financial future, crafting personalized strategies that align with your long-term goals.

Elisabeth Dawson San Diego financial advisor